Systems Engineering: How customized training makes managers fit

Industrial project with Schaeffler

Initial situation and project objective

Under the influence of megatrends such as sustainability, globalization and digitalization, engineering in companies is changing. This is accompanied by a change in planning and engineering processes, which requires new working methods and role profiles as well as extensive technical and methodological expertise. The global automotive and industrial supplier Schaeffler therefore promotes the continuous development of its employees' skills and abilities. Schaeffler was looking for a special learning offer to prepare managers for their future tasks, such as leading interdisciplinary teams and setting up new organizational structures.

Reference industrial project Schäffler
© Gorodenkoff / Adobe Stock
With the holistic approach of systems engineering, the increasing complexity of product development can be mastered.

Solution and customer benefits

With this in mind, the Fraunhofer IEM Academy developed the training course “Advanced Systems Engineering - A compact introduction for managers”. The experts supported Schaeffler from the conception and content design to the implementation of the training course, which was structured along the three overarching topics of Advanced Systems, Systems Engineering and Advanced Engineering. Existing Schaeffler knowledge modules were integrated and customer-specific information was taken into account. The focus was always on the effects and design aspects for managers.


The team developed a blended learning concept that combines self-study phases and live online events to enable easy integration into everyday working life. Participants completed the course content in a learning management system (LMS), while the content from the self-study phases was taken up in live online events and deepened with joint exercises and reflections on practical implementation in everyday working life. This enabled participants to transfer aspects of modern engineering to their own working environment and learn from the experiences of other managers in the company. The didactic concept for job-compatible learning is to be incorporated into a further roll-out of the Advanced Systems Engineering training in Germany and at international Schaeffler locations based on the findings of the pilot implementation.

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Oliver Lummer

Contact Press / Media

Oliver Lummer

Leiter Fraunhofer IEM Academy

Fraunhofer Institute for Mechatronic Systems Design IEM
Zukunftsmeile 1
33102 Paderborn

Phone +49 5251 5465-256